This huge dog was begged to take a wash by the entire family, even the cat.

The well-known and distinguished breed known as the MaIamute was developed by the Eskimos. They have always offered assistance to those in trying circumstances. They were excellent buddies and helpers who could travel great distances and carry huge burdens.

The main character of this movie, however, has never visited a northern region and does not really enjoy water activities, so his family must teach him to swim. The family adores Philip, the large dog.

Despite the fact that he dislikes them, the dog will need to take a bath. The owners strive to convince him in order to get his support rather than trying to exert more power over him.

The entire family is gathered in the restroom, by the way.

Even the couple’s pet cat and little child did not get out of the way. After making an attempt to circle the room, Philip hides in a corner and pretends not to have noticed anything.

But the cat didn’t take long to grab a nice treat that was intended for Philip. Philip had a bath and then changed into his formal clothes.

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