A gorilla mother delivers her young to a little toddler.

A woman once brought her little child to the zoo. After noticing the infant, the gorilla mother decided to bring her own to meet it. The choice of the zoo gorilla to introduce his young to the small man only served to reinforce existing evidence that mother attachment is a real phenomena.

The meeting was videotaped, released online, and quickly became well-known. Emma, the baby’s mother, voiced her disbelief at the situation. In addition, her husband Mike videotaped a strange friend. While they were in the zoo, the same gorilla Kioki stumbled upon a married couple and their five-month-old child.

According to the boy’s mother, she stood behind them, waved her hand, and gazed at him for five minutes.

When the mother raised Palo, her seven-month-old cub, to show her what the monkey was doing, the woman finally understood. In addition to Palo, the gorilla has four more daughters. Despite the fact that Emma’s child slept through the entire meeting, she plans to return to visit the gorilla and her young.

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