In the first bath, a newborn monkey grabs 24 million hearts with his sweet “hugs.”

These monkeys are medium-sized primates who like tropical rocks and caves. Langurs, a rare species, may be found in warm countries. It should come as no surprise that giving birth to a child is a joyous occasion.

The Zoo was overjoyed to announce the birth of one of its langurs. Miu-Mui and Chestnut were the overjoyed parents of Baby Lucky. She was cute and little. However, the zoo has discovered that Miu-Mui does not like nurturing its young.

They said that was normal, but Lucky’s health may suffer as a result. Vets rushed to their aid, transporting Lucky to the hospital for a bath. They also fed her to ensure she had the nourishment she needed as a newborn.

Lucky was gradually introduced to Miu-Mui by the veterinary staff in the hopes that they would become friends. They also introduced her to Chestnut gradually. Several organizations have put up support facilities for these animals.

They wish to breed more langurs to protect them.

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