As the invasion of Ukraine continues, a large number of civilians are now at risk. From pets being separated at the border to zoo animals being unable to escape war-torn towns, even animals have faced grave dangers. The most well-known of them, Stepan, has a sizable following as a result of his amusing viral films. His owner recently said that she and the cat had managed to escape blasts near their residence and were now safe. The owner recounts the onslaught’s first, catastrophic days. She claims that for a week before falling shells destroyed it, her home was safe.
We spent two nights in the basement and were without electricity for a week, the owner said. We had to go downstairs to the basement to charge the phone.
Volunteers who drove the woman and the cat to the train station made it possible for them to leave the city after a 20-hour journey. They have been true to their word since crossing the border.
Five days prior, an image promoting a fundraiser for a Ukrainian animal charity appeared on the cat’s Instagram account. Unexpectedly, the cat’s supporters responded with strength. In a subsequent tweet, the woman claimed that they had raised $10,035!