Alex is the owner of this cute, curious small puppy. She noticed her dog had paint on his hair one day. Later she found out he had been looking over a fence at passing street dogs. She said that her father had replaced the backyard fence that had been destroyed by a recent storm. But when the fence was being built, the gap between the pickets unexpectedly opened. This offered the dog a fresh view of the world outside his garden.
The woman states that because her dog was so drawn to the outside world, she proposed to her father that glass be installed in the new fence so the dog could continue to gaze out.
Making a unique hole for your dog to enjoy is undoubtedly going above and beyond, but it is obvious that the work was worthwhile because he lilikedis new observation area a lot. He waits outdoors for hours before coming inside when we call him, she continues.
We grin as we notice him watching the landscape go by. What a thoughtful gift for this thankful dog. He enjoys having his window seat from which to see the world outside his yard.