Without their mother’s knowledge, dogs entered a dollar store to look for toys.

Lia brought her favorite dog, Jonny, along when she went to see her fiance. Before going inside to play with her fiancé’s dog, Cardi, she placed him on the grass. The two dogs had left after barely five minutes when she returned. Lia deduced that it was likely that the dogs had scaled the fence and gone into the adjacent field in search of them.

When Jonny and Cardi observed them entering the nearby dollar store, they decided to search for dog toys.

Lia revealed that the dogs had been located and rushed into the car to drive directly to the store. When they arrived, the dogs were still in the doggy toy hallway, and the store employees thought the entire situation humorous.

To prevent the dogs from trying to breach the fence once more and enter the house in search of new toys, the owners will now keep a close check on them whenever they are in the yard.

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