Living in San Diego with his owner and her three dogs is the smallest horse in the world, whose mother abandoned him because of his little stature. Polo the pony was left by his mother after she realized she couldn’t milk him because of his young age.
The pony is considerably smaller than a typical pony, weighs around twenty pounds, and is about seven weeks old. He is also smaller than the average dog. Polo resides at the home of her owner like a pet. He was fortunately saved by Smith. But there were other medical issues with the little horse.
After the adoption, Smith rented a car and traveled to the countryside to pick up Polo. Since then, the miniature horse has grown. He can now walk, his head is bigger, his jaw is straighter, and his eyesight is terrific. In her home, he could still feel at ease. Polo enjoys playing with her three gorgeous dogs in the garden and gets along well with them.