Ivan Mayarov, a high school student, crossed the tracks as he headed home after seeing a friend. He had already taken this route, but on this particular day, he was captivated by a cardboard box and chose to investigate.
A lifeless dog was laying in the crate. He focused solely on getting her out, not wondering how she got there. The teenager contacted the veterinarian clinic, the only clinic in the tiny town, despite the five-kilometer distance. He held the dog in his arms and carried it to the specialist. She was given the name Fena at the clinic.
Later, Vanya claimed that carrying the dog was challenging and required numerous stops.
She was in terrible condition, and she lost consciousness the entire time. Fena was quickly discharged from the intensive care unit after the child used his money to pay for her care.
Amazingly, a dog will persist in living even when it seems like there is no hope.