The pregnant cat decided to enter via the door. Her life was permanently altered.

Recently, Anya’s beloved cat passed away. She and her husband decided they needed another cat and decided to adopt her from the shelter. She chose Mina there after going to the animal shelter’s Facebook page. To warm up, she went inside one of the buildings, where volunteers discovered her. She was obviously at home when they found out about the pregnancy based only on the way she seemed to them. The cat underwent several procedures before being sent to the shelter, where her picture and video were taken. Her family soon arrived to pick her up.

It is also surprising that Mina did not require some time to adjust. She began to act as though she had lived here her entire life after accepting the owners.

Mina began to confidently and fearlessly stroll around the new apartment while purring her happiness, making it evident that she was delighted to be home.

And we are overjoyed that this wonderful cat has been placed in such a loving home.

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