Before this angel of a lady intervened, the three cats were scavenging the streets.

Eventually, a woman spotted a dog in need of help. She was assisting the puppy when a cat approached and requested food. She departed to buy some cat food that she always keeps on hand. Another cat joined them. The woman continued, “I started talking to neighbors. I found out that these creatures had been brought here five months ago.”

Before releasing the cats, the woman had planned to have them examined and treated, but the longer she stared at them, the more she felt they didn’t belong. not outdoors, please.

Instead, she made a call to her husband to let him know that they would be fostering three kittens that evening. The three of them were content to cuddle up together on the drive to the woman’s house even though she only had one cat carrier to put them in.

“I was quite certain that they were indoor cats,” she said

When I became aware of this, I thought it was unfair to leave these cute kittens on the streets. I was determined to give them what they deserved.

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